This is a nursery rhime about three blind mice.
This is another explanation:
Three Blind Mice
One sunny afternoon, a farmer’s wife was shocked to find three mice in her kitchen. She did not know what to do. She looked closely and noticed that the mice were blind.
The farmer’s wife quickly took a carving knife and cut off their tails. The mice screamed and shouted in pain. They twitched and rolled across the floor.
Suddenly, they got up and started to run after the farmer’s wife. The farmer’s wife was horrified. She ran out of the house screaming for help. The three mice stopped chasing the farmer’s wife and laughed loudly. She ran for help. She was saved by her friends. If the friends had not been there, she would have been bitten by the mice. Moral of the story :
Do not do something that will make it worse or put yourself in danger.
And this may be the tue story:
“Three Blind Mice” is one of the most beloved nursery rhymes and musical rounds for children.
The origin of this rhyme goes back in the 1609 when the first written version of the song was published by Thomas Ravenscroft in “Deuteromelia” or “The Seconde part of Musicks melodie”.
According to some claims the “three blind mice” are the three Protestants executed by Queen Mary I of England, in the Catholicism and Protestantism conflict. It is about the Oxford Martyrs who were tried for heresy and burnt at the stake in 1555.
The modern version of the song was first included in children’s literature much later, at the beginning of 19th century, and its lyrics are different than the original one.